* Shadow Fiend movement speed increased from 310 to 315
- 影魔的移动速度和从310增加至315
* Living Armor cooldown reduced from 32/26/20/14 to 30/24/18/12
- 活性护甲(树精卫士)的冷却时间从32/26/20/14降低至30/24/18/12
* Dismember strength based damage increased from 30/40/50 to 30/45/60%
- 肢解(帕吉)基础伤害从30/40/50增加至30/45/60%
* Sand Storm cooldown reduced from 40/30/20/10 to 34/26/18/10
- 沙尘暴(沙王)的冷却时间从40/30/20/10降低至34/26/18/10
* Epicenter manacost reduced from 175/250/325 to 150/225/300
- 地震(沙王)的耗蓝从175/250/325降低至150/225/300
* Empower cleave AoE increased from 225 to 240
- 授予力量(马格纳斯)的溅射范围从225增加至240
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